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HERE Maps API for JavaScript - API Reference

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HERE Maps API for JavaScript - API Reference: Class: ChangeEvent

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Class: ChangeEvent

Class: ChangeEvent


new H.util.ChangeEvent (type, newValue, oldValue)

This event indicates a change. It contains both the old and the new value.



AT_TARGET number constant inherited

This property indicates that the event is being evaluated at the target.

BUBBLING_PHASE number constant inherited

This property identifies the current event phase as the bubbling phase.

CAPTURING_PHASE number constant inherited

This property identifies the current event phase as the capturing phase.

currentTarget * inherited

This property holds an object that receives notification of the event (via an attached listener).

defaultPrevented boolean inherited

This property holds a value indicating if preventDefault() was called on the current event.

eventPhase number inherited

This property indicates which phase of the event flow is being evaluated.

newValue *

This property holds the value of the property after it changed.

oldValue *

This property holds the value of the property before it changed.

target * inherited

This property holds the object which triggered the event.

type string inherited

This property holds the name of the dispatched event.


preventDefault () inherited

This method sets a flag that can be used to prevent the default behavior when the even is fired.

stopPropagation () inherited

This method stops the propagation of the event.

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