Class MapPolygon

  • public final class MapPolygon
    extends NativeBase

    A visual representation of a polygon on the map. Can be used to visualize areas of all shapes and sizes.

    The geometry to be visualized is represented by an instance of GeoPolygon. To display circular areas (for example, a position accuracy indicator) use a GeoPolygon created from a GeoCircle using GeoPolygon(GeoCircle).


    • The polygon shape should not cover more than half of the globe, otherwise unexpected results may occur.
    • Polygons which are self-intersecting are not supported and may lead to render artifacts.
    • The inner boundaries (holes) specified in the GeoPolygon are ignored.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MapPolygon

        public MapPolygon​(@NonNull
                          GeoPolygon geometry,
                          Color color)

        Creates a new MapPolygon instance with outline visualization disabled and containing the geometry passed in.

        The winding order of the vertices can be in clockwise or counter-clockwise order. It is recomended to provide the outer boundary ordered clockwise and closed.


        • The polygon shape should not cover more than half of the globe, otherwise unexpected results may occur.
        • Polygons which are self-intersecting are not supported and may lead to render artifacts.
        • The inner boundaries (holes) specified in the GeoPolygon are ignored.
        geometry -

        The list of vertices representing the outer boundary of polygon.

        color -

        The fill color for the polygon

      • MapPolygon

        public MapPolygon​(@NonNull
                          GeoPolygon geometry,
                          Color color,
                          Color outlineColor,
                          double outlineWidthInPixels)

        Creates a new MapPolygon instance with outline visualization enabled and containing the geometry passed in.

        Transparent outlines are not supported. Any color with transparency (alpha value other than 1) will be rendered as fully opaque by interpreting the alpha value as 1.

        The winding order of the vertices can be in clockwise or counter-clockwise order. It is recomended to provide the outer boundary ordered clockwise and closed.


        • The polygon shape should not cover more than half of the globe, otherwise unexpected results may occur.
        • Polygons which are self-intersecting are not supported and may lead to render artifacts.
        • The inner boundaries (holes) specified in the GeoPolygon are ignored.
        geometry -

        The list of vertices representing the outer boundary of polygon.

        color -

        The fill color for the polygon.

        outlineColor -

        The color of the polygon outline, alpha channel is ignored and treated as 1.

        outlineWidthInPixels -

        The width of the polygon outline (in pixels). Negative values are clamped to 0.

    • Method Detail

      • getGeometry

        public GeoPolygon getGeometry()

        Gets the current geometry of the polygon.


        The geometry of the polygon. Setting a new geometry will update the appearance.

      • setGeometry

        public void setGeometry​(@NonNull
                                GeoPolygon value)

        Sets a new geometry to update the appearance.

        The winding order of the vertices can be in clockwise or counter-clockwise order. It is recomended to provide the outer boundary ordered clockwise and closed.


        • The polygon shape should not cover more than half of the globe, otherwise unexpected results may occur.
        • Polygons which are self-intersecting are not supported and may lead to render artifacts.
        • The inner boundaries (holes) specified in the GeoPolygon are ignored.
        value -

        The geometry of the polygon. Setting a new geometry will update the appearance.

      • getMetadata

        public Metadata getMetadata()

        Gets the Metadata instance attached to this polygon.


        The Metadata instance attached to this polygon, null by default.

      • setMetadata

        public void setMetadata​(@Nullable
                                Metadata value)

        Sets the Metadata instance to be attached to this polygon.

        value -

        The Metadata instance attached to this polygon, null by default.

      • getFillColor

        public Color getFillColor()

        Gets the current color of the fill.


        Color of the polygon's fill.

      • setFillColor

        public void setFillColor​(@NonNull
                                 Color value)

        Sets the current color of the fill.

        Fully transparent color (alpha set to 0) disables the fill completely.

        value -

        Color of the polygon's fill.

      • getDrawOrder

        public int getDrawOrder()

        Gets the draw order of this map polygon relative to other map polygons. Default value is 0.


        The draw order of this map polygon relative to other map polygons.

      • setDrawOrder

        public void setDrawOrder​(int value)

        Sets the draw order of this map polygon relative to other map polygons.

        Polygon with higher draw order value are drawn on top of polygons with lower draw order.

        In case multiple polygons have the same draw order value then the order in which they were added to the scene matters. Last added polygon is drawn on top.

        Allowed range is 0-1023. Values outside this range will be clamped.

        value -

        The draw order of this map polygon relative to other map polygons.

      • getVisibilityRanges

        public java.util.List<MapMeasureRange> getVisibilityRanges()

        Gets the list of visibility ranges. The map polygon is visible only inside these map measure ranges. When empty (the default), the map polygon is visible without map measure restrictions.


        The list of visibility ranges. The map polygon is visible only inside these map measure ranges.

      • setVisibilityRanges

        public void setVisibilityRanges​(@NonNull
                                        java.util.List<MapMeasureRange> value)

        Sets visibility ranges for this map polygon. A range is half open - [minimumZoomLevel, maximumZoomLevel), the given maximum value is not contained in the range. The map polygon is visible only inside these map measure ranges.

        When empty (the default), the map polygon is visible without map measure restrictions. Only MapMeasureRange(s) of MapMeasure.Kind.ZOOM_LEVEL type are supported. MapMeasureRange(s) of other unsupported types will be ignored.

        value -

        The list of visibility ranges. The map polygon is visible only inside these map measure ranges.

      • getOutlineColor

        public Color getOutlineColor()

        Gets the color of the polygon outline. The default outline color is opaque white.


        The color of the polygon outline.

      • setOutlineColor

        public void setOutlineColor​(@NonNull
                                    Color value)

        Sets the color of the polygon outline.

        Transparent outlines are not supported. Any color with transparency (alpha value other than 1) will be rendered as fully opaque.

        value -

        The color of the polygon outline.

      • getOutlineWidth

        public double getOutlineWidth()

        Gets the outline width of the polygon in pixels.

        By default, the outline width is set to zero.


        The width of the polygon outline in pixels.

      • setOutlineWidth

        public void setOutlineWidth​(double value)

        Sets the outline width of the polygon in pixels.

        The value should be greater than or equal to 0. Negative values are clamped to zero.

        value -

        The width of the polygon outline in pixels.