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  • API Reference

    This part of the guide provides a comprehensive reference to the Map Feedback API. Feature Categories HTTP Request Headers Resources Data Types References to Data Types HTTP Status Codes

  • Address Feedback

    The user is visiting wego.here.com and notices that an address at the corner of Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco (WGS-84 longitude and latitude -122.4462810410399,37.77017601747043) has incorrect information associated with it. HTTP Header Fields Map Feedback API POST requests require

  • Address and City-Specific Properties

    The wrong cases (error code 21, 23, 25) rely on the payload content to describe an incorrect location, wrong name, or (for cities) administrative information. Especially for City feedback, we recommend you provide a very precise description of the problem

  • Carto Types

    The tables below contain some of the possible values available for carto types, which may be visible in responses or map objects. The information and the associated places category information is updated frequently. If you do not already have this

  • Carto-specific Properties

    Carto feedback can be sent as POINT, LINE or AREA data. Table 1. Carto Feedback Attributes Element Required Data Type Description error Yes String 910 for Carto Map Feedback referenceURLs No String[] URLs which provides additional information about request. domain

  • Cartographic Feedback

    The user is visiting wego.here.com and notices that cartographic objects are either missing or displayed incorrectly on the map. HTTP Header Fields Map Feedback API POST requests require the following HTTP header fields: Option 1: APIKEY authentication Auth-Service-Id: here_app Auth-Identifier:

  • Constructing a Request

    A request to the Map Feedback API includes the basic elements shown in the following table and may contain resource-specific parameters or data. Table 1. Basic Request Elements Element Value/Example Description Base URL https://maphub.api.here.com/ Production environment For information about the

  • Data Types

    This section documents data structures used by the Map Feedback API. Feedback Submission Request Body Feedback Response Feedback Status Response Error Report Types Feedback Request Properties Feedback Response Properties Parent topic: API Reference

  • EV Charge Point Feedback

    Represents a case where any change (add, update, remove) of an EV Charge Point needs to be reported. HTTP Header Fields Map Feedback API POST requests require the following HTTP header fields: Option 1: APIKEY authentication Auth-Service-Id: here_app Auth-Identifier: apikey

  • EV Charge Point-Specific Properties

    EV Charge Point feedback can be sent as POINT or LINE data. Table 1. EV Charge Point Feedback Attributes Element Required Data Type Description error Yes String 955, 956, 957 for EV Charge Point Map Feedback domain Yes Object EV

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