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Optimize fleet management with real-time insight

Reduce costs, save time and improve sustainability by digitizing your fleet. Benefit from our highly accurate location data and advanced algorithms.

Fleet Management


potential reduction in fleet management costs


potential reduction in re-routing times


potential increase in driver productivity

Bring more insight and efficiency to fleet management

Icon1-HERE Fleet Management

Analyze and optimize fleet operations in real-time

Review, analyze and understand fleet performance for real-time decision-making and forecasting. Plan and execute your delivery shifts in one place with HERE Last Mile.

Icon2-HERE Fleet Management

Gain full visibility into fleet movements and status

Track your commercial vehicles in real-time to handle possible delays. Build operator confidence and customer satisfaction with real-time ETAs from HERE Routing.


Boost driver productivity with more efficient routing

Generate routes based on truck size, cargo and driver experience for greater safety and compliance. Assign the right jobs to the right drivers using HERE Tour Planning.

Enable dynamic route optimization

Generate optimal multi-stop routes for your entire fleet, incorporating truck attributes and live traffic data. React to last-minute changes by adapting routes already underway.


HERE Routing

Plan stress-free journeys. Discover our routing portfolio designed for various modes of transport.

graphic of truck following tour plan

HERE Tour Planning

Plan tours with customizable, traffic-enabled many-to-many route optimization to reduce cost and save time.

Improve fleet location insights

Understand route performance by comparing planned to actual routes. Increase driver productivity and satisfaction, using detailed location-related data and content to provide real-world context.

graphic depicting HERE Map Data in action on monitor

Map Data

Build your own world view using our map data as a canvas. Turn your map into a location-based application by layering it with data from other sources.

Dynamic map content

Dynamic Map Content

Enhance the journey experience with real-time information. Help drivers to arrive safely, comfortably and on schedule, by using dynamic content APIs in your apps and services.

Develop and test advanced fleet solutions

Build a mobile app connecting drivers and dispatchers, tackling last-minute job scheduling and route changes. Reduce driver stress with voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation.



Enable powerful location-related capabilities in your applications and across your business, with our development tools, data and content.

HERE Marketplace

HERE Marketplace

Source and buy data and assets in our secure marketplace. Explore, evaluate and license our rich portfolio of location data and services.

Fleet Optimisation package

Fleet Optimization package

Plan the best routes and maximize operational efficiency with our bundle of fleet optimization solutions.

Gain commercial vehicle visibility

Track your trucks accurately in real-time. Predict ETAs with a precise overview of vehicles relative to depots, warehouses and destinations.


Indoor map location on mobile

HERE Positioning

Bring high-precision location awareness to your apps and devices, even in challenging indoor and outdoor environments.

graphic of mobile phone with ev charging locations

HERE Geocoding and Search

Enable precise conversion and discovery of geocoordinates and addresses to improve location accuracy and context.

Benchmarking AI adoption, sustainability and supply chain visibility

Gain insights into the advancements in real-time supply chain visibility and find out where there is still room for improvement. Download the full survey to learn more about:

  • The untapped potential of AI in streamlining processes for strategic decision-making
  • How to overcome transport and logistics tech adoption hurdles, including high costs, disruptions and expertise gaps
  • The importance of solutions that integrate sustainable practices seamlessly into an organization's strategy
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2024 tech trends in transportation and logistics

ABI Whitepaper - Purchasing trends and criteria in fleet software

Explore insights from 300+ T&L leaders on fleet management software, KPIs and their progress towards greater supply chain visibility. Conducted in partnership with ABI Research and Amazon Web Services (AWS), this white paper goes in depth on the key drivers and barriers to technology adoption, along with the capabilities T&L leaders want to see moving forward.

Download the report and explore the findings.

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Purchasing trends and criteria in fleet software

Discover our pricing

Get started for free with flexible pay-as-you-grow pricing.

Customer stories


Understanding driver performance

Using HERE's precise location data, Lytx was able to build accurate machine-vision models and AI, designed to help the company understand driver behaviors.

The reality is: Without rich location information, nothing works.

Michael Phillippi

Vice President of Technology, Lytx



Rastret thumbnail

Now we can improve the delivery experience

Read how HERE navigation tools enabled Rastret's software to plan smart routes and expand the pool of potential drivers for small and mid-size logistics companies.

I am really impressed by the flexibility of HERE’s products. They save us a lot of work because they are ready-made solutions and we can focus on implementation.

Miguel Loya

CTO, Rastret



Improving apps for drivers and fleets

Driver turnover rate is extraordinarily high in the trucking industry. Using HERE SDKs and APIs, Eleos created a mobile app, designed to give drivers more timely, relevant and accurate information, improving their safety and reducing their wasted time.

HERE is uniquely equipped to serve Eleos: They bring together very powerful capabilities around mapping, routing, geocoding and navigation.

Kevin Survance

CEO and Co-Founder of Eleos


Crave Infotech

Preventing warehouse gridlock

Mapping indoor areas can be difficult, especially in places where GPS doesn't work. Watch how Crave InfoTech optimized their routing for large warehouses using HERE indoor mapping solution.

We're very excited with the HERE Technologies indoor mapping solution. It's cost-effective, it's easy to implement and it serves most of the scenarios you can think of in a large warehouse environment.

Shrikant Nistane

Co-founder and CEO Crave InfoTech



Delivering customer satisfaction

Using machine learning, Descartes maximized their on the road ETA to optimize routes, supply chain logistics problems and last-mile deliveries.

We can get a really good ETA out of the algorithms we employ and the data we use from HERE, the vector data for the road networks, traffic patterns and time/distance calculation.

Ken Wood

Vice President of Product Management at Descartes



Optimizing routes for emergency vehicles

See how Logis used HERE location data to help transform their response time and get dispatches to an emergency scene in the shortest time possible.

One of the main benefits of using location data within our solution is that we can automate dispatch. Instead of having a dispatcher looking at a map and spending a minute finding out which unit to send, we can send it within 3 milliseconds. So you save that minute.

René Munk Joergensen

Partner/ Head of R&D, Logis



Enhancing the connectivity of fleets

Contextualizing their data with HERE's location intelligence, Novacom were able to facilitate the strategic and safe movement of fleets for road transport, humanitarian aid, waste management and construction.

We are very happy to work with HERE maps and HERE technology because it brings us this location ability we have to provide to these kinds of services.

Julien Dauvet

Director of the strategic Fleet Management business unit, Novacom


active logistics

Improving productivity through automation

Watch active logistics explain how location technology helps them build fleet management software that creates accurate tour plans within minutes, unlocks operational gains and boosts productivity through the entire supply chain.

For every challenge we have – regarding technology or location technology – HERE has something to offer.

Tobias Braun

Product Manager, active logistics


LafargeHolcim and HERE V7 LONG

Holcim uses location to improve safety and sustainability

Discover how the global leader in building materials and solutions created faster and more efficient concrete delivery.

With HERE we have a partner on board who is able to provide mapping and navigation services across our global footprint.

Philipp Leutiger

Chief Digital Officer, Holcim

Try our route prediction demo

Get more accurate travel times and distances by adding configurations to your routes, such as traffic type and vehicle size.

Access our partner network

Our global alliance of strategic partners can help you integrate location technology into your solutions.

Related resources

Product demos

HERE360 articles



Get in touch

Let's discuss how you can build location intelligence into your solutions.