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All eyes on ISA: these are the next countries adopting intelligent speed assistance

A view of downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

As safety takes the wheel, which countries outside the EU will be the first to implement ISA?

Innovation in the automotive industry is rapidly adapting to prioritize safety, with intelligent speed assistance (ISA) technology leading the way. The global issue of speeding is a major contributor to road accidents, posing a risk to drivers, bikers and pedestrians. With the introduction of ISA technology, it's now possible for drivers to maintain speed limits more consistently and create safer roads for everyone.

A car drives past a speed limit sign on the highway.

What exactly is ISA?

ISA is an in-vehicle system that uses advanced location technology and road sign recognition to help drivers abide by speed limits. Combining spatial data with cameras and radars that recognize road signs, an ISA system can accurately determine a vehicle's location and the speed limits it should be following. If a driver surpasses these limits, the system quickly notifies the driver with visual or auditory signals. This real-time feedback enables ISA to reduce speed-related accidents.

Countries that leverage ISA technology are witnessing fewer speeding occurrences and better overall road safety.


Precision is at the heart of intelligent speed assistance. With HERE ISA Map, car makers have access to 100% speed limit coverage across all roads in more than 180 countries, allowing them to comply with ISA regulations.
HERE ISA Map captures high-quality map data and combines that with inputs from vehicle camera sensors and local government data for reliable, accurate coverage and ISA compliance. It means car makers can overcome the limitations of relying solely on camera-based systems, which can be fallible due to factors such as weather and obstacles obscuring signage.

Why ISA matters

The benefits of intelligent speed assistance are many. Key advantages include significantly boosting road safety and encouraging responsible driving, thanks to its ability to curtail speed-related accidents by providing real-time alerts that prevent drivers from exceeding limits. ISA also supports smoother traffic flows by reducing sudden braking and speeding. By promoting adherence to speed limits, ISA enhances the driving experience and contributes to a cleaner environment, making it vital for safer and more sustainable roads.


The ISA roadmap

In 2022, the implementation of ISA became a requirement for all new cars sold in the European Union (EU). Two years later, this mandate was expanded to include all vehicles sold in countries that are members of the EU. Today, as safety continues to gain momentum in the automotive industry, countries from around the world are considering joining the EU and integrating the technology into their road safety plans.

Traffic on an American highway in Washington State

North America

Across the Atlantic, the United States is one of the first countries outside the EU to adopt ISA. FIA Foundation announced that Washington, DC, passed the first US legislation mandating ISA for repeat speeding offenders, thanks to advocacy by Families for Safe Streets and support from the FIA Foundation. This pilot scheme aims to reduce speeding and reckless driving by using GPS and road sign recognition to enforce speed limits.

In California, another similar bill introduced by Senator Scott Wiener was approved. According to The Hill, the bill mandates that all new cars sold or manufactured in the state by 2032 have passive speed limiters. These ISA devices will alert drivers with audible and visual signals when they exceed the speed limit by more than ten miles per hour. The legislation aims to address the alarming rise in speeding-related fatalities, making California the first U.S. state to implement such a requirement.

A driver's perspective of a digital dashboard displaying intelligent speed assistance.

The Middle East

Israel, another non-EU country, is making considerable strides in the implementation of ISA technology. According to ETCS, the country's transport ministry recently ruled that imported vehicles with EU-type approval must be equipped with ISA systems, aligning Israel with European safety standards. Their goal is to reduce speeding-related incidents and reduce their severity.



Apart from the US and Israel, South Africa is also considering joining the list of nations that have adopted ISA technology. Particularly within the audit profession, the application of new international standards, such as embedding ISA systems into vehicles, is a hot topic.


Although probably the furthest away from Europe, Australia shares the same determination to mitigate speeding through the adoption of ISA technology, contemplating mandatory speed limiters for new vehicles. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australia's safety standards for new cars are lagging behind global leaders as life-saving technologies remain optional. The need for safer roads remains and systems that alert drivers when they exceed speed limits and monitor for drowsiness and distraction may soon be mandated if proven suitable for Australian roads.

ISA in the future

The adoption of ISA technology fosters a safer driving environment for everyone on the road. By preventing speeding, ISA reduces the risk of traffic accidents and the severity of collisions. This technology not only protects drivers and passengers but also safeguards pedestrians and cyclists. As ISA becomes more widespread, the overall safety of roadways will continue to improve.

Maja Stefanovic

Maja Stefanovic

Senior Writer

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