HERE Studio 1.8.0 Launched
We’re excited to bring new features with the release of HERE Studio 1.8.0. This update extends support for the Data Hub Add-on feature we first announced back in March. Along with better support for our Data Hub Add-on feature set, general bugs and usability issues have been corrected. Let's take a quick look through the updates. Remember you can sign up for a free developer account and start playing with Studio immediately!
Adding Data to Spaces
You can now add data to an existing space in Studio. To do so, go into one of your projects and click the +Data link. In this view, you can click the "+" symbol under the data column to upload new information to the space:
Using Add-on Features
In the same area we just showed, take a gander at the "Add On" button. This lets you enable three incredible features if you've enabled this product. Click to open a new dialog:
From this dialog you can enable three unique and powerful features. The first, Schema Validation, allows you to apply validation logic to your space. This ensures that any new data added follows a particular format. So, for example, if your space contains features describing stores, you may want to ensure that new features all have properties for the store's open hours, types of products sold, and so forth. JSON Schema is an advanced topic, but you can check out our docs for more information as well as checking out the tutorial we wrote that shows an example.
The next feature, Activity Log, allows you to enable history tracking for your data. At this time, you cannot enable it for existing spaces, so you may need to create a copy of your space if you wish to enable this feature.
For more information on working with the Activity Log, check the documentation. Note that working with your Activity Log will require custom programming outside of Studio itself. We'll have a blog post discussing this more later.
The final new feature you can enable are Virtual Spaces. Virtual Spaces allow you to take multiple spaces and treat them as one.
There's two ways of creating a virtual space. The "Group" option simply throws all the data into a bucket together, while "Merge" associates data in one space with another, much like a join operation on database tables. You can read more about it at the docs and read this tutorial for an example.
Once a virtual space is created Studio can then make use of it and expose multiple different sets of data as one unified map! Note that - currently - you cannot use hexbins with virtual spaces.
What Next?
Studio is constantly updating and evolving, and we can always use your help. You can report an issue or send us a suggestion about what you think should be added next. If you create a beautiful map, be sure to tag us on Twitter at @heredev!
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