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Release notes 5 min read

HERE's New Developer Documentation Website

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A new site for learning about HERE APIs, SDKs, and data 

When you need to learn about an API, SDK or other tool, documentation is probably one of the first resources you look for. In fact, developer community surveys frequently show the importance of documentation to developers. Docs that are complete, accurate, and easy to search can help when researching a tool to understand its capabilities. And, once you select a tool, docs are essential to successful integration. Conversely, docs that are poorly organized, incomplete, or hard to search will quickly send you looking for an alternative tool. 

Over the last few years, we at HERE have gotten a lot of feedback about our documentation – that it needs to be better organized, easier to search, and cover more topics. Today, we are excited to take a step towards responding to this feedback by launching a new documentation website: 

The new site provides several improvements. 

Improved search 

The new contains documentation for many HERE products. But when you come to the HERE docs website, you are probably looking for an answer to a specific question about a specific product. In the new site, you can restrict searches to specific products, product categories, versions, and more. 

Search filters

Filter your search to help you find what you're looking for


Notifications and personalization 

In the new site you can "watch" individual pages or entire subjects so that you get an email notification when there is an update to the content you care about. For example, you may want to watch a tutorial that eplains how to perform an action that's important to you, so that if we ever update the procedure, you can get notified and review it to see if you want to update how you are using the product. 

Watch a topic

Watch an article to receive a notification when it changes


You can also curate a list of topics that are relevant to how you are using the HERE platform so that you have quick access to the topics you care about most. You can even share your curated list of topics with colleagues. 

For example, you can create a collection of topics that document the features you are currently using and the features you want to research so that you can easily find them: 

Saved articles

Create your own list of articles so you can easily reference them


You could then share the collection with others, for example to get help researching the features you are considering for future use: 

Share a collection of articles



Share your collections with others


More frequent content updates 

The new site enables more efficient content publication which means we will be able to update documentation more frequently to rapidly provide new or updated content in response to your feedback. Each topic is now tagged with an updated date so you can see how recent the content is. 

Date last updated

See when a topic was last updated


Additional improvements 

There are other improvements as well, including: 

  • Download any page, set of pages, or entire document as a PDF 
  • Navigate long pages more easily with a page level table of contents on the right side of each page 
  • The table of contents for documents is now fully collapsed by default, making it easier to see the entire document at a glance 
  • Share pages with others 


And more to come 

While the new site provides some big improvements, we know we can do more to make the docs even better. We will continually update and improve our documentation in the coming months - rewriting some articles, adding new ones, and always looking for ways to better provide you with the information you need in a direct and engaging way. 

Let us know what you think 

We welcome all feedback! Let us know what you think by clicking the feedback button at the top of each article on the site. We review all feedback and actively look for ways to improve our documentation based on your comments and suggestions. 



Erik Balisi

Director Documentation and Internationalization

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